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1 Aquarii


1 Aquarii is a binary, planetary system orbiting a orange K-class, red giant star.  The system lies in the Aquarius Constellation of the Capricron Region.

The primary planet of 1 Aquarii was originally settled by migrants who had escaped poverty on other worlds, they were moving through the Capricorn Region when they discovered the system's habitable world.  Though conditions didn't improve for the migrants initially, a series of malignant parasites ravaged the early population.


The planet overcame its early struggles, eventually a large scale population was able to develop.  The majority of the planet's water is located in a series of inland seas, with a major portion of the developed areas built around the Victrix Sea, located near the equator.

System: 1 Aquarii

Primary Star: HD 196758

Stellar Type: K1III ☼

Companion Star: B M2V ☼

Mass (Sol): A - 1.5

Luminosity: A - 42.1x Sun

Distance: 244.7 ly

Constellation: Aquarius

Region: Capricron

Population: 300 Million


1 Aquarii A Planets

1 Aquarii B
1 Aquarii B is a hot terrestrial world with a nitrogen atmosphere.  The planet's surface is primarily composed of magnesium rocks with deposits of silver and platinum.

Distance: 2.15 AU

Orbit: 938 days

Temp: 478 K

Mass: 0.46 Earth

Radius: 5,067 km

Gravity: 0.73 g

Rotation: 31 hours

Moon(s): 1


1 Aquarii C
1 Aquarii C is the system's habitable, primary planet.  With an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere, the planet is fairly dry.  Wetland regions are located around inland seas, where the majority of the planet's water is located.  Most of the developed areas exist in these wetland areas.

Distance: 6.6 AU

Orbit: 13.8 years

Temp: 273 K

Mass: 1.49 Earth

Radius: 7,587 km

Gravity: 1.05 g

Rotation: 34 hours

Moon(s): 4


1 Aquarii D
I1 Aquarii is a normal hydrogen helium gas giant.  The planet's atmosphere is made up of those two gasses, though trace amounts of water and methane also exist in he cloud layers. 

Distance: 23.1 AU

Orbit: 90.7 years

Temp: 140 K

Mass: 1.35 Jupiter

Radius: 67,463 km

Gravity: 3.82 g

Rotation: 18 hours

Moon(s): 15


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)








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