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Star Systems
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




Como is a planetary system orbiting a orange K-class star.  The system lies in the Sagittarius Constellation of the Capricorn Region.

The isolated Como System is well known as the crash site of the colonization ship named Sagri-Stow.  The Sagri-Stow was travelling through the system as it was bringing colonists from the Sargas Region to the Capricorn System.  The colonists were in deep-space hibernation while the ship was recharging in the Como System.  A serious mechanical fault occurred causing the ship to default to nearest habitable planet which was the system's primary planet.


Without time to awaken the crew the ship was unable to land on the planet, instead it crashed into the planet and broke up in the atmosphere.  The massive ship rained debry bombarding the entire surface, radioactive material from the ship's core covered the planet.  The fallout was devastating causing extensive damage to the planet's ecosystem and environment, as well as taking the lives of the thousands of colonists onboard the ship.


The planet's population was mostly composed of primitive nomads, they knew little about how to deal with environmental disaster that followed the ships crash.  A major extinction event spread across the world.

System: Como

Primary Star: HIP 96918

Stellar Type: K2V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.71

Luminosity: 0.38x Sun

Distance: 202.5 ly

Constellation: Sagittarius

Region: Capricorn

Population: 700,000


Como Planets

Como B
Como B is a large, terrestrial, desert world with a lower amount of free oxygen in the atmosphere.  The planet's indigenous people have adapted the world's environment.  A major extinction event followed the fallout of the Sagri-Stow crash as the planet's sensitive ecosystem has been slowly dying.

Distance: 0.78 AU

Orbit: 299 days

Temp: 250 K

Mass: 2.06 Earth

Radius: 8915 km

Gravity: 1.05 g

Rotation: 19 hours

Moon(s): 2


Como C
Como C is a large gas giants with over 1.5 times Jupiter's mass.  The massive gas giants orbited by a system of 19 moons.  Mining colonies could potentially be established on the metal-rich moons.

Distance: 7.77 AU

Orbit: 25.7 years

Temp: 70 K

Mass: 1.58 Jupiter

Radius: 75225 km

Gravity: 3.6 g

Rotation: 17 hours

Moon(s): 19


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)











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