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Delta Pavonis


Delta Pavonis is a yellow star about 20 light years from Earth.  Delta Pavonis has an age of around 7 billion years and is starting to fuse helium with hydrogen in its core, putting the star in the early part of the sub-giant phase.


A metal rich star, Delta Pavonis has roughly 2 times the elements heavier than hydrogen as Sol.  The Delta Pavonis system consists of 7 planets, 5 inner terrestrial planets, with one that's similar to Earth called Novaterra, and 2 large gas giants. 


The planet Novaterra, in the Delta Pavonis system, was chosen as the first large scale colonization project known as the Destiny Mission.   The mission involved 70,000 colonists who were sent to the planet from Earth.  They inhabited a city called New Hope that was built by a smaller, earlier group specifically for the colonists.


System: Delta Pavonis

Primary Star: δ Pav

Stellar Type: G8IV ☼

Companion Star(s): None

Distance: 19.92 ly

Constellation: Pavo

Mass: 0.991

Radius: 1.22

Metallicity: 190%

Age: 6.7 Billion

Region: Sol

Population: 700 Million



Delta Pavonis Planets

Delta Pavonis B

Cacus (Delta Pavonis B)
Cacus is the closest planet to Delta Pavonis.  The planet lacks an atmosphere and has a hot surface composed mostly of iron sulfide.  Volcanic activity has carved a large system of caves under the planet's surface.

Distance: 0.68 AU

Orbit: 207 Days

Radius: 4751 km

Gravity: 0.69 g

Rotation: 53 Hours

Delta Pavonis C

Nemesis (Delta Pavonis C)
Nemeis is the second closest planet orbiting Delta Pavonis.  Greenhouse gases from the carbon dioxide atmosphere heat up the planet's surface to scorching temperatures.  Extremely dry and dusty, wind storms are common on the planet.

Distance: 0.87 AU

Orbit: 316 Days

Radius: 5765 km

Gravity: 0.87 g

Rotation: 35 Hours

Delta Pavonis D

Novaterra (Delta Pavonis D)
The primary planet is an earth-like world.  Novaterra was the first large scale colonization project after mankind rediscovered interstellar travel.  The planet is nearly identical to earth in size, composition, atmosphere, and gravity, the planet is sometimes called an earth-twin.  Delta Pavonis shift into a sub-giant has stressed the planet's ecosystem, sending the planet into a temporary cooling down period.

Delta Pavonis D surface

Distance: 1.21 AU

Orbit: 491 Days

Radius: 6298 km

Gravity: 1 g

Rotation: 25 Hours

Delta Pavonis E

Virtus (Delta Pavonis E)
Virtus is a cold dry world that with a thin carbon dioxide/methane atmosphere.  The surface is composed of basalt with low lying volcanic plains criss-crossed by highland areas.

Distance: 1.68 AU

Orbit: 795 Days

Radius: 5156 km

Gravity: 0.60 g

Rotation: 30 Hours

Delta Pavonis F

Aquilo (Delta Pavonis F)
Aquilo is the fifth planet in the Delta Pavonis system.  The planet is composed mostly of silicate rock and water ice.  The planet's surface is too cold for liquid water to exist, making the planet frozen ice world.   The atmosphere is composed of mostly carbon dioxide and nitrogen, with small  traces of oxygen.

Distance: 2.37 AU

Orbit: 1337 Days

Radius: 6981 km

Gravity: 1.04 g

Rotation: 29 Hours

Delta Pavonis G

Orcus (Delta Pavonis G)
Orcus is the sixth planet in the Delta Pavonis system.  A common hydrogen-helium gas giant.  The atmosphere also has traces of methane and ethane in clouds that band around planet.

Distance: 7.53 AU

Orbit: 21 Years

Radius: 66690 km

Gravity: 2.5 g

Rotation: 14 Hours

Delta Pavonis F

Juno (Delta Pavonis H)
Juno is the system's largest planet, a gas giant with a thin set of rings.  The planets atmosphere is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium with traces of methane a ammonia.

Distance: 16.66 AU

Orbit: 68 Years

Radius: 72860 km

Gravity: 3.6 g

Rotation: 17 Hours


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