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Gamaliel is a planetary system orbiting a orange K-class star.  The system lies in the Lepus Constellation of the Nihal Region.

Gamaliel is located in an isolated part of the Nihal Region. The primary planet was settled as an outpost for interstellar travelers, who were headed out of the core of the Nihal Region to worlds in other regions.


The planet grew a small population with scattered settlements based around agricultural. Despite favorable conditions for a larger agricultural based society, the systems isolated location caused it to never meet its full potential.

System: Gamaliel

Primary Star: TYC649619871

Stellar Type: K0V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.79

Luminosity: 0.47x Sun

Distance: 226.66 ly

Constellation: Lepus

Region: Nihal

Population: 80 Million


Gamaliel Planets

Gamaliel B
Gamaliel B is habitable terrestrial world covered in 50% water. The planets land masses are wet and warm with acres of arable land. Sprawling meadows stretch across the land areas, which are broken up by regions of forests and jungles.

Distance: 0.59 AU

Orbit: 188 days

Temp: 282 K

Mass: 0.76 Earth

Radius: 5,871 km

Gravity: 0.89 g

Rotation: 37 hours

Moon(s): 0


Gamaliel C
Gamaliel C is a common hydrogen and helium gas giant containing under a quarter of Jupiter's mass. The planet’s moderate mass leaves it as a cross between a gas giant and an ice giant.

Distance: 18.55 AU

Orbit: 89.9 years

Temp: 45 K

Mass: 0.21 Jupiter

Radius: 39,445 km

Gravity: 1.74 g

Rotation: 15 hours

Moon(s): 16


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)











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