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Star Systems
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




Helixus is a planetary system orbiting a yellow G-class star.  The system lies in the Pisces Constellation of the Schemali Region.

The Helixus System’s primary planet is an industrial world home to a significant population. The planet’s system of 4 moons contain extensive supplies of heavy metals, extracted through vigorous mining operations, then transported down to the planet’s surface industrial centers.


A vital world to the Schemali Region, Helixus is a major exporter to the rest of the region. The planet’s influence can be felt on many of the other worlds throughout the Schemali Region.


The planet’s reliance on heavy industry has helped create a high quality of life for its population. Though it has also contributed to a series of unwanted effects including pollution, as well ecological and geological scars on the planet and it’s moons.

System: Helixus

Primary Star: TYC46652081

Stellar Type: G3V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.97

Luminosity: 1.36x Sun

Distance: 331.5 ly

Constellation: Pisces

Region: Schemali

Population: 2 Billion


Helixus Planets

Helixus B
Helixus B is a very hot, terrestrial world with a thin atmosphere composed of xenon.  The planet's surface is made up of magnesium and silica rocks scorched by the nearby sun

Distance: 0.19 AU

Orbit: 30 days

Temp: 577 K

Mass: 0.82 Earth

Radius: 6712 km

Gravity: 0.74 g

Rotation: 91 hours

Moon(s): 0


Helixus C
Helixus C is the system's habitable, terrestrial, primary planet.  The planet's surface is covered of around 60% water, it's land areas are situated in long, continental masses.  Slightly cooler than Earth, much of the planet's climates are damp and humid.

Distance: 1.29 AU

Orbit: 546 days

Temp: 277 K

Mass: 1.23 Earth

Radius: 7012 km

Gravity: 1.02 g

Rotation: 34 hours

Moon(s): 4


Helixus D
Heluxus D is an icy, terrestrial world that orbits outside the habitable zone.  The planets atmosphere is composed of argon with trace amounts of methane and ethane clouds,

Distance: 2.97 AU

Orbit: 5.2 years

Temp: 152 K

Mass: 0.52 Earth

Radius: 5712 km

Gravity: 0.65 g

Rotation: 41 hours

Moon(s): 4


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)





Schemalian Prime



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