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Star Systems
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




Lordesville is a planetary system orbiting a yellow G-class star.  The system lies in the Carina Constellation of the Canopus Region.

Lordesville is the closest inhabited system to the star Canopus.  The system's primary planet is a world stuck in the depths of an extended ice age. Snow is common across nearly all parts of the planet.


The planet was originally settled by the followers of an eccentric religious cult who believed the planet was their promised land.  Though the majority of the followers disappeared as other settlers from the Canopus Region started to occupy to the world.  The new occupants forced the eccentric religious zealots into exile, as many jurisdictions across the planet made practicing their beliefs illegal.


Despite the planet's limitations with the ice age and its permanent cold weather, the planet has seen steady growth.  The world has been slowly transforming into a political power over the previous years.

System: Lordesville

Primary Star: HD 46435

Stellar Type: G3V ☼

Mass (Sol): 1.09

Luminosity: 1.53x Sun

Distance: 232.3 ly

Constellation: Carina

Region: Canopus

Population: 400 Million


Lordesville Planets

Lordesville B
Lordesville B is a rocky, terrestrial world that sits extremely close to the parent star.  The planets thick atmosphere is composed of nitrogen and argon, it glows blue in the suns light.

Distance: 0.21 AU

Orbit: 32 days

Temp: 605 K

Mass: 2.97 Earth

Radius: 9540 km

Gravity: 1.33 g

Rotation: 22 hours

Moon(s): 0


Lordesville C
Lordesville C is the system's habitable, primary planet, a world is stuck in an long-lasting ice age.  Many parts of the northern and southern hemisphere are covered in ice, while snow is common across most regions of the planet. Though their are lush green areas as well, including dense coniferous forests that cover much of the coastal regions.

Distance: 1.59 AU

Orbit: 700 days

Temp: 270 K

Mass: 1.15 Earth

Radius: 6732 km

Gravity: 1.03 g

Rotation: 27 hours

Moon(s): 4


Lordesville D
Lordesville D is a cold, terrestrial world that orbits outside the habitable zone.  The planet has  thin carbon dioxide atmosphere, it's surface is composed of silicate rocks mixed with ice.

Distance: 3.1 AU

Orbit: 5.2 years

Temp: 158 K

Mass: 0.99 Earth

Radius: 6561 km

Gravity: 0.94 g

Rotation: 35 hours

Moon(s): 1


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)














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