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Star Systems
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Luxhaven is a planetary system orbiting a orange K-class star.  The system lies in the Fornax Constellation of the Fornax Region.

As colonists were settling worlds throughout the Fornax Region, they discovered the Luxhaven System.  The system's primary planet was home to a small population of indigenous humans.  The colonists helped bring civilization to the primitive world, they built cities and infrastructure.


During this time, a monarchy was formed based around a royal family established on the planet.  The population advanced quickly during this period.  The royal family started to fear the swiftly growing population would look to overthrow them and established a more modern style of government.  They became paranoid and isolated the planet from the rest of the region.  They shuttered spaceports and made in illegal for outsiders to visit the planet.


The planet's isolation lasted for decades until the royal family was eventually overthrown in a long, bloody revolution started by the indigenous humans.  The planet's population has continued to rebuild after years of war.

System: Luxhaven

Primary Star: TYC702010391

Stellar Type: K3V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.79

Luminosity: 0.23x Sun

Distance: 262.2 ly

Constellation: Fornax

Region: Fornax

Population: 120 Million


Luxhaven Planets

Luxhaven B
Luxhaven B is the system's habitable primary planet.  The planet is covered in about 40% water mostly located in a large inland ocean, surrounded by a single landmass.  The majority of the planet's population live around near the ocean.  The coastal areas are covered in arable farmland and forests, which transition into a vast savanna and rocky deserts moving inland.

Distance: 0.46 AU

Orbit: 128 days

Temp: 282 K

Mass: 0.55 Earth

Radius: 5240 km

Gravity: 0.81 g

Rotation: 38 hours

Moon(s): 4


Luxhaven C
Luxhaven C is a large, rocky, terrestrial world that orbits outside the habitable zone.  The planet has a carbon dioxide and nitrogen atmosphere with traces of neon.  The rocky surface is cold and consists mainly of silicate rock.

Distance: 1.49 AU

Orbit: 4.2 years

Temp: 150 K

Mass: 1.86 Earth

Radius: 7866 km

Gravity: 1.22 g

Rotation: 42 hours

Moon(s): 6


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)


Fornax Prime









Ivory Terra



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