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Star Systems
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Old Regency


Old Regency is a planetary system orbiting a orange K-class star.  The system lies in the Hercules Constellation of the Hercules Region.

The Old Regency System is an isolated planet system located at the outer edge of the Hercules Region, bordering on the middle and outer regions. The system's primary planet is a small terrestrial world with a relatively low gravity.


Early settlers attempted the colonize the isolated world but were mostly unsuccessful. Shortly after the colonists ships landed, the settlers were attacked by pirate groups from deep within the middle regions. Though the colonists ultimately fought off the pirates during numerous bloody conflicts, as a final retaliation, the pirates launched a series of intense chemical weapons attacks over the surface, temporarily tainting the atmosphere.


The majority of the colonists either perished during the attacks, or escaped permanently abandoning the world.  The planet has been rarely visited since, but some speculate the a significant population still live in isolation on the surface.

System: Old Regency

Primary Star: TYC309411571

Stellar Type: K1V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.79

Luminosity: 0.41x Sun

Distance: 326.5 ly

Constellation: Hercules

Region: Hercules


Old Regency Planets

Old Regency B
Old Regency B is a small, habitable terrestrial world.  The planet was never viewed as a top tier world to colonize due to it's small size and lack of significant surface world.  Still, a group of colonists attempted to colonize world but were mostly unsuccessful, due to a series of chemical attacks that left the atmosphere partially tainted.

Distance: 0.59 AU

Orbit: 187 days

Temp: 270 K

Mass: 0.14 Earth

Radius: 3365 km

Gravity: 0.51 g

Rotation: 35 hours

Moon(s): 1


Old Regency C
Old Regency C is a cold terrestrial world orbiting outside the habitable zone.  The planet has a thin methane atmosphere, its surface is composed of a mixture of rock and ice.

Distance: 1.23 AU

Orbit: 495 days

Temp: 179 K

Mass: 0.37 Earth

Radius: 4731 km

Gravity: 0.67 g

Rotation: 66 hours

Moon(s): 2


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)











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