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Star Systems
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




Rayne is a planetary system orbiting a yellow G-class star.  The system lies in the Camlopardlis Constellation of the Polaris Region.

The primary planet of the Rayne System is is a habitable, terrestrial world, with little surface water located in a complex system of rivers and channels.  The planet is covered in deep coniferous forests that transition into deciduous in the lower latitudes.


Timber is among the planet's primary exports, as many popular varieties of hardwoods come from Rayne.  Beyond the lumber yards the planet has many, sprawling nature reserves that cover large portions of the surface.

System: Rayne

Primary Star: TYC45506091

Stellar Type: G6V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.92

Luminosity: 0.98x Sun

Distance: 319.2 ly

Constellation: Camlopardlis

Region: Polaris

Population: 480 Million


Rayne Planets

Rayne B
Rayne B is small, terrestrial world with a thin, carbon monoxide atmosphere.  The planet's surface is primarily composed of magnesium with various silicates.

Distance: 0.27 AU

Orbit: 52 days

Temp: 499 K

Mass: 0.26 Earth

Radius: 4,216 km

Gravity: 0.58 g

Rotation: 41 hours

Moon(s): 0


Rayne C
Rayne C is a habitable, terrestrial world, with little surface water located in a complex system of rivers and channels.  The planet is covered in deep coniferous forests that transition into deciduous in the lower latitudes. 

Distance: 0.91 AU

Orbit: 328 days

Temp: 273 K

Mass: 1.2 Earth

Radius: 6,803 km

Gravity: 1.05 g

Rotation: 35 hours

Moon(s): 4


Rayne D
Rayne D is a gas giant with contains roughly three quarters of Jupiter's mass.  The planet is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with trace amounts of methane.

Distance: 7.7 AU

Orbit: 22.3 years

Temp: 81 K

Mass: 0.78 Jupiter

Radius: 60,922 km

Gravity: 2.72 g

Rotation: 15 hours

Moon(s): 8


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)














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