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Star Systems
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Torest is a planetary system orbiting a orange K-class star.  The system lies in the Cassiopeia Constellation of the Borealis Region.

Torest lies in an isolated part of the Borealis Region.  The system's primary planet was originally settled by group of mercenaries who were wanted for crimes from throughout the region, they used Torest as a hideout.


They hid on the nearly vacant planet for years, until waves of colonists started to arrive.  The mercenaries fought back against the newcomers in numerous violent conflicts, causing security team to arrive, in order to protect the colonists.  The mercenary groups were eventually fully eradicated from the planet.

System: Torest

Primary Star: TYC43233411

Stellar Type: K3V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.54

Luminosity: 0.22x Sun

Distance: 160.59 ly

Constellation: Cassiopeia

Region: Borealis

Population: 260 Million


Torest Planets

Torest B
Insert planet info here insert planet info here insert planet info here insert planet info here insert planet info here insert planet info here

Distance: 0.49 AU

Orbit: 172 days

Temp: 268 K

Mass: 0.58 Earth

Radius: 5,389 km

Gravity: 0.82 g

Rotation: 34 hours

Moon(s): 2


Torest C
Torest C is a cold, terrestrial world.  The planet's surface consists of a mix of basalt highlands and silicate dust deserts.  Ice storms are common and can get very intense.

Distance: 1.99 AU

Orbit: 3.8 years

Temp: 124 K

Mass: 0.34 Earth

Radius: 4,990 km

Gravity: 0.55 g

Rotation: 52 hours

Moon(s): 2


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)








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