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Star Systems
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Tremond is a planetary system orbiting a yellow G-class star.  The system lies in the Vela Constellation of the Canopus Region.

The Tremond System's primary planet is an isolated, desert world named after the expedition leader who first explored the planet's surface.  The planet's surface is covered minimal amounts of liquid water, primarily made up of dry dusty rock.  The majority of the planet's water is locked up either in polar ice or underground.


Tremond's population is composed of nomads spread out across the surface in small tribes.  The capital is named Despairia, it's the only city on the planet that resembles modern civilization.  The planet's inhabitants are almost entirely descendants of members of the original expedition, which went terribly wrong stranding the group on the planet.

System: Tremond

Primary Star: TYC858323011

Stellar Type: G9V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.81

Luminosity: 0.62x Sun

Distance: 351.1 ly

Constellation: Vela

Region: Canopus

Population: 20 Million


Tremond Planets

Tremond B
Tremond B is an isolated, desert world named after the expedition leader who first explored the planet's surface.  The planet's surface is covered minimal amounts of liquid water, primarily made up of dry dusty rock.  The majority of the planet's water is locked up either in polar ice or underground.

Distance: 0.72 AU

Orbit: 250 days

Temp: 298 K

Mass: 1.27 Earth

Radius: 6,970 km

Gravity: 1.06 g

Rotation: 27 hours

Moon(s): 3


Tremond C
Tremond C is a cold, terrestrial world that orbits far outside the habitable zone.  The planet has a thin atmosphere composed of argon, it's surface is made up of various ices.

Distance: 2.27 AU

Orbit: 3.8 years

Temp: 153 K

Mass: 0.57 Earth

Radius: 5,614 km

Gravity: 0.73 g

Rotation: 96 hours

Moon(s): 2


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)











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