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Star Systems
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Xenophon is a binary planetary system consisting of two yellow G-class stars, they  are separated by an average distance of 41 AU.  The system lies in the Eridanus Constellation of the Fornax Region.

Xenophon is located in an isolated part of the Fornax Region.  The system's primary planet was used primarily as an outpost for interstellar smugglers.  They channeled out an intricate system of caves, deep under the planet's icy surface.


Originally established as a science base, the scientists quickly abandoned the world as the smugglers took control.  Numerous violent conflicts have occurred with the goal of removing the smugglers, but have been ultimately unsuccessful.

System: Xenophon

Primary Star: HD 28368

Stellar Type: G0V ☼

Companion Star: B G6V ☼

Mass (Sol): A-1.09

Luminosity: A-2.87x Sun

Distance: 249.9 ly

Constellation: Eridanus

Region: Fornax

Population: ~200k


Xenophon A Planets

Xenophon Ab
Xenophon B is a large terrestrial world with a thin helium atmosphere.  Despite being at Earth-like temperatures, the planet's high gravity precludes any possible terraforming attempts.

Distance: 1.36 AU

Orbit: 555 days

Temp: 287 K

Mass: 3.33 Earth

Radius: 9461 km

Gravity: 1.51 g

Rotation: 90 hours

Moon(s): 2


Xenophon Ac
Xenophon C is a terrestrial world whose surface is covered in water and carbon dioxide ices.  The planet has a nitrogen atmosphere with a limited amount of oxygen, it's difficult for unprotected humans to breath the atmosphere without supplemental oxygen.  An intricate system of man-made, underground caves exist under the icy surface.

Distance: 2.53 AU

Orbit: 3.9 years

Temp: 195 K

Mass: 1.23 Earth

Radius: 7170 km

Gravity: 0.97 g

Rotation: 35 hours

Moon(s): 1


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)








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