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Star Systems
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Zaurak is a planetary system orbiting a red M-class star.  The system lies in the Eridanus Constellation of the Fornax Region.

Zaurak's primary planet exists under the bright light of the massive, red giant sun.  The planet's surface is a scorched wasteland rich in valuable metals.  Numerous mining colonies have been established located in enclosed cities, which are spread across sections of the planet's surface.


The Zaurak mining colonies are infamous for their abhorrent conditions within the enclosed cities.  Violent conflicts along with workers's riots are common within the cities, making an unstable security across the majority of the planet.

System: Zaurak

Primary Star: Gamma Eridani

Stellar Type: M1III ☼

Mass (Sol): 1.65

Luminosity: 255.00x Sun

Distance: 221.1 ly

Constellation: Eridanus

Region: Fornax

Population: 40 Million


Zaurak Planets

Zaurak B
Zaurak B is a partially habitable, terrestrial world that sits under the bright light of the red giant sun.  The planet has  thin oxygen atmosphere, it's surface, though rich in metals, is a desert scorched under the light of the intense sun.

Distance: 14.24 AU

Orbit: 41.8 years

Temp: 310 K

Mass: 0.64 Earth

Radius: 5,675 km

Gravity: 0.81 g

Rotation: 32 hours

Moon(s): 3


Zaurak C
Zaurak C is a hydrogen/helium gas giant containing over 1.5 times Jupiter's mass.  The planet has various layers of neon, ammonia, and methane located throughout the atmosphere.

Distance: 30.24 AU

Orbit: 129.4 years

Temp: 206 K

Mass: 1.56 Jupiter

Radius: 52,017 km

Gravity: 7.43 g

Rotation: 14 hours

Moon(s): 11


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)








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