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Star Systems
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Harlech is a planetary system orbiting a orange K-class star.  The system lies in the Andromeda Constellation of the Mirach Region.

Harlech is a populated system located in a isolated part of the Mirach Region.  Despite it's relative isolation, the Harlech System has grown a sizable population into the hundreds of millions, mostly on the system's primary planet.


The Harlech System's primary planet is a habitable, terrestrial world orbiting within the system's habitable zone.  The planet's surface is covered in 30% water.  The majority of the remaining surface is a mixture of vast deserts separated by swampy regions.

System: Harlech

Primary Star: TYC175918571

Stellar Type: K1V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.79

Luminosity: 0.432 Sun

Distance: 228.73 ly

Constellation: Andromeda

Region: Mirach

Population: 330 Million


Harlech Planets

Harlech B
Harlech B is a habitable, terrestrial world orbiting within the system's habitable zone.  The planet's surface is covered in 30% water.  The majority of the remaining surface is a mixture of vast deserts separated by swampy regions.

Distance: 0.69 AU

Orbit: 234 days

Temp: 280 K

Mass: 0.96 Earth

Radius: 6,609 km

Gravity: 0.89 g

Rotation: 31 hours

Moon(s): 4


Harlech C
Harlech C is a cold world consisting of mixture of water ice an rock.  The planet has a thin atmosphere made up of trace amounts of carbon dioxide and nitrogen.

Distance: 1.29 AU

Orbit: 604 days

Temp: 182 K

Mass: 0.56 Earth

Radius: 5,687 km

Gravity: 0.71 g

Rotation: 23 hours

Moon(s): 0


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)











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